mercredi 14 février 2018

Beat Cop Trainer

                                       Beat Cop Trainer

A retro, pixel art style adventure in New York, inspired by ’80s cop shows. You are Jack Kelly and you’ve been framed for murder. Now as a regular beat cop you have to find out, who did that. Expect thick crime story, a lot of black humour and all the other things you can find on the streets of Brooklyn.

New York, more like a beast than a city. Explore it’s darkest corners and uncover its secrets as Jack Kelly, a former detective who has been framed for a murder. Degraded and forgotten by old pals, it’s your last chance to find the truth behind this whole terrible mess. The thing is, your new boss treats you like shit, your wife is a money sucking spawn from hell and the local mafia wants your head on a plate. I guess you could say, that things are complicated down here, in the middle of Brooklyn. Oh, and don't forget about writing tickets, reprimanding pedestrians & such. You're a beat cop after all.

Beat Cop V1.0.602 Trainer +3

  1. Inf.Stamina
  2. Inf.Money
  3. Freeze Time
  • First start game world and start running a bit then activate stamina and time cheats
  • First spend money or gain money from bribery or end a day then activate money cheat and the next day you will get the cheat effect

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